martes, 11 de enero de 2005

Loros en el mundo clásico

Esto me llegó en una lista de correo de Estudios Clásicos: no acababa de creérmelo, pero es verdad, un congreso sobre loros en el mundo clásico y después (no perderse lo del final de los tipos de comida que se ofrecen):

Parrot Play: The Trickster in the Text. Thursday 10 February 2005
Book conference with chapter authors heading discussion. CMR 15, Walton
Hall, The Open University, Milton Keynes

10.30 Arrival and
11.00 Paula James Welcome, rationale and introductions
followed by Parrots in the Classical World
11.45 - 12.15 Janet
Huskinson and Brian Cook Parrots in Classical Art
12.15 - 12.45
John Gilmore C18 parrot Ver-Vert, especially in Latin translation
12.45 - 1.00 Plenary: Parrots in the Classical tradition with
Paula, Janet and John
1.00 - 1.45 Lunch
1.45 - 2.15 Susan Purdie Medieval and Early Modern Parrots
2.15 - 2.50 Julia Courtney Stevenson and Flaubert
2.50 - 3.20 Hilary Clare Parrots in
Children's Fiction

3.20 - 3.30 Tea Break
3.30 - 4.00 Paula James Wide Sargasso Sea (with additions from Julia on some parrots in
Modernist painting)
4.00 - 4.30 Plenary: drawing the threads together
4.30 Depart
Draft Chapters or substantial abstracts will be circulated
to all participants by 3rd February to focus discussion on the day. Completed
registration slips by January 25th to Bronwen Sharp, Classical Studies
Co-ordinator, Arts Faculty, Walton Hall, Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7
6AA. Telephone 01908 653247 email
Registration slip:
1. Your details: Please give your name in the form
you wish it to appear on your name badge
Address for
May we include your name/e-mail/institution on a conference participants
list? Yes....... No.......
2. Fees: Conference fee of £10 to include a light
lunch, tea and coffee.
Please make all cheques payable to The Open
I am Vegetarian ......... Vegan ......... Any other special
dietary requirement

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