martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

¡Los griegos antiguos son un fake!

Enorme escándalo el que se ha desvelado hoy en The Onion, una prestigiosa revista americana: "Historiadores admiten que inventaron la Grecia antigua".
Lo tremendo -ya, son los tiempos, pero yo lo veo como un signo de los tiempos- es que parece que a nadie le importa. En España estamos tan contentos con Belen Esteban que ni nos asombramos de una noticia tan sensacional.

Historians Admit To Inventing Ancient Greeks
WASHINGTON—A group of leading historians held a press conference Monday at the National Geographic Society to announce they had "entirely fabricated" ancient Greece, a culture long thought to be the intellectual basis of Western civilization.
The group acknowledged that the idea of a sophisticated, flourishing society existing in Greece more than two millennia ago was a complete fiction created by a team of some two dozen historians, anthropologists, and classicists who worked nonstop between 1971 and 1974 to forge "Greek" documents and artifacts.
(...) Frustrated by the gap in the record, and finding archaeologists to be "not much help at all," they took the problem to colleagues who were then scrambling to find a way to explain where things such as astronomy, cartography, and democracy had come from.

5 comentarios:

  1. ¡Sí, hombre! Ahora resulta que Platón es mentira...

  2. "We picked Greece because we figured nobody would ever go there to check it out," Nguyen-Whiteman said. "Have you ever seen the place? It's a dump. It's like an abandoned gravel pit infested with cats."

    ¡Es buenísimo! x´´DDD

  3. Yo ayer leí que los griegos de Asia Menor llevaban elegantes moños altos, y … me resulta inquietante.

    ¡No puede ser!

  4. ¿Es hoy 28 de diciembre?

    Espero no llegar tarde para desearles a todos ¡FELIZ NAVIDAD!
